Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mac and Cheese and a little insanity...

Today I decided to make the Macaroni and Cheese recipe that was my favorite in the States.


About two weeks ago I had made butternut squash soup, and had cooked some extra butternut squash. I went on line and found that I could freeze the leftovers for future recipes!  Perfect for today!

There is no panko here (or premade bread crumbs), so I decided to make bread crumbs...while I was at it, why not use a dark wheat bread?!?

Also, I decided to add a little bit more flavor with some "stinky" swiss cheese (replacing the pecorino Romano cheese). It turned out delicious!!!

For the past few days I've had a horrible cough, especially at night. I brought some cough syrup with codeine from the States, but that isn't even working. So, I've been pretty much staying home and taking it easy the past few days. Coughing is not how I planned on getting stronger abs!!!


Take a look at this bit of insanity...coming from France:

The French President, Francois Hollande, doesn’t think it is fair that some kids get homework help from their parents while children who come from disadvantaged families don’t.

Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.nl/2012/10/president-of-france-wants-to-ban.html#HM8QcYXusA8Bqi3h.99 



????????????????????  Does that make any sense?!?!?  So, rather than lifting up those that need help...he'd rather drag all the children down.....he wants everyone to be disadvantaged and undereducated?!?!??! I'm sure that would be good for the future of France....or maybe not....

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